Are you evaluating your case correctly?
Are you preparing your best story for the jury?
Stop worrying. Stop wondering.
I can help you find out.
I’ll help you see your case through the eyes of jurors. Stop guessing what jurors will think and let them tell you. Expect to be surprised by what they have to say.
After we've heard them out, we will help you craft a case strategy to emphasize your case strengths and de-emphasize your weaknesses.
No magic wands. No crystal balls.
Just practical advice based on solid methodology and data.
Call or email me now at 312-203-3589 or
How I Can Help
I help you answer the strategic questions you have about your case and help you solve your case problems. To do that I use mock trials, focus groups, witness preparation, venue surveys and jury selection assistance.
Find out more about our services; what I do and how I do it.
How I've Helped
Do I have experience with cases like yours? With over 17 years of experience on more than 300 cases, probably.